Yoga holiday in Sardinia: a sea of ​​relax at Camping La Pineta

Would you like to spend a holiday between sea, nature and Yoga in Sardinia?
Yoga is a very old practice and is good for the body, posture, breathing and spirituality.
By practicing this discipline, you will find a feeling of inner peace and you will have a new perception of your body.
It’s a spiritual journey that can be undertaken for several reasons: for example, to rediscover the breathing, for a meditative value, to improve sleep, after an injury, but also simply on holiday to recover the energies and rediscover the inner calm.


A journey of well-being


Your holiday must be a moment of relaxation to spend in peace. Thanks to the practice of Yoga it will be even more relaxing and stimulating at the same time, and it will allow you to go back home with a path of wellness, personal and spiritual growth.
Spending a Yoga holiday will be a very special experience of transformation, sharing and concentration.
Camping La Pineta is the ideal place for those who want to break off and make a refreshing dip in nature, in the sea and in this wonderful Yoga experience.
Mat and body. Breath and free mind. These are the unique ingredients for Yoga.


The Yoga Teacher


Our Yoga teacher is Francesca Magnone.
Francesca has a degree in Political Science with a social background at the University of Turin and has a master’s degree in “Management of social and social health services” at the Catholic University of Brescia. He practiced different styles of Yoga until she met the Ratna Yoga with the teacher Gabriella Cella Al Chamali.
She graduated at the four-year School of Training and Improvement of Ratna Yoga (S.I.Y.R.) of Piacenza.
Mother of two girls, she has studied various topics related to the different phases of the women’s life: pregnancy, childbirth and perineum, and after childbirth at the MIPA (International Movement of Active Childbirth) of Brescia with Piera Maghella; rehabilitation of the pelvic floor with the Anatomy method, integration and movement with Núria Vives Parés; menopause with G. Cella and F. Zanchi.
In 2014 she participated in the revision of the text QUIAN Incontri di Accompagnamento alla Nascita, by P. Maghella, M. Sartori and T. Catanzani edited by Numeri Primi Editore.
For four years she followed a continuous training course of Advaita Yoga Sangha with Maestro Antonio Nuzzo sponsored by the Mediterranean Yoga Federation (FMY). She studied anatomy with the Anatomy method for the Blandine Calais Germain Movement.
In 2012 she founded the association Yogalab-Yoga Laboratory of which she is president.
She leads yoga groups for adults, residential seminars on specific topics, yoga courses and seminars in pregnancy, Yoga classes for breathing and Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, courses on perception and awareness of the pelvic floor. Her research and training in the field of Yoga is continuous and carried on with great passion.
She is an ordinary member of YANI (Yoga Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti) and FMY (Federazione Mediterranea Yoga).


Yoga Seminars


During summer Francesca, in collaboration with the Yogalab-Yoga Laboratory Association, organizes 2 Yoga Seminars:

The first Seminar will take place from 9th to 13rd July 2019 and has as its theme: the holistic approach of Yoga.
During the seminar we will experience how Yoga can be an instrument that acts on the whole of the individual through its pillars (anga): it intervenes in the relationship with oneself and others (yama and niyama), on the body (asana), to emotional level (pranayama), mental (pratyhara, dharana) and spiritual (dhyana).

The second Seminar will take place from 28th July to 1st August 2019 and has as its theme: to acquire the tools to develop one’s daily practice of asana, pranayama and meditation.
Yoga is a discipline and, as such, it needs to be part of everyday life: respecting the time to devote to oneself is a great gift that accompanies the individual to self-understanding.



7.00-8.30 Yoga Practice, pranayama
11.00-12.15 Yoga Practice, relaxation, meditation
19.00-20.00Yoga Practice, pranayama

The practices will be carried out outdoors, on the beach or under a wooden patio. The other moments are free, and everyone can dispose of them as they prefer. Those who wish to anticipate or extend their stay beyond the period of the seminar can take advantage of a free daily yoga class by staying at the campsite.

If you want to attend the seminar contact Francesca immediately by email or by telephone +393925107611.
For each seminar an individual interview is expected with the teacher.
In addition, the places are about to end, Francesca will also show you our special offer.

Remember, the Yoga Classes outside of the two seminars are free for all our customers and will take place in the evening, throughout the summer, around 7.00 pm in the nature area of the campsite. On Sundays there is also Yoga for children.